Saturday, January 21, 2012

Judi Bari

Eco-feminist and labor leader Judi Bari was so successful in organizing campaigns to stop logging companies from decimating the ancient redwood forests in the northwestern section of the United States that somebody tried to kill her by putting a pipe bomb behind her car seat. The bomb exploded, but it takes more than a pipe bomb to kill an in-your-face woman or even get her to stop doing what she believes in. In fact, it took breast cancer to stop Bari, who was the co-founder of Earth First! Bari got the last word, however, when -- even though she was already dead -- four F.B.I. agents and three Oakland, California, police officers had to fork over $4.4 million to her estate for violating her First Amendment rights, for false arrest, and for unlawful search and seizure. Any in-your-face woman knows: it ain't over till it's over.

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