Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Emily Davison

British citizen Emily Davison gave up her post as a teacher in 1909 to devote herself to organizing with the Women’s Social and Political Union. Subsequently, she was in and out of jail frequently for such "crimes" as trying to hand a petition to the British Prime Minister or throwing stones at the Chancellor of the Exchequer wrapped in notes that read “Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God.”

Routinely creating problems in jail by going on hunger strikes, Davison once barricaded her cell door to prevent herself from being forcefed, so her jailers tried to fill the cell with water by putting a hose through the window. Being that she was an in-your-face woman, though, Davison sued them in a court of law and not only won, but was awarded damages, too.

Militant to the end, Davison jumped in front of the King of England's horse while he was racing at Epsom Derby in 1913, sustaining injuries that ultimately killed her four days later. Some think she was trying to attach a WSPU flag to the horse so that when it won, it would be advertising the struggle for women's suffrage. Regardless, there's nothing more in-your-face than sacrificing your life (even by accident) for what you believe in.

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