Sunday, March 25, 2012

Isadora Duncan

Obviously finding her in-your-face-ness early in life, Isadora Duncan quit school in San Francisco at a young age because it "constricted her individuality." Growing up poor, she eventually moved to New York City where she began to develop her skill as a dancer, but she didn't think much of the strict rules of posture and form that classical ballet requires. So she took her free spirited "modern" approach to the dance and went to Europe where she found a greater appreciation for her style both on stage and off.

Duncan was notorious for her financial woes, scandalous bisexual lovelife and public drunkeness, even while she was held in great esteem for her stunning and sometimes outrageous contributions to modern dance. It was said that she was occasionally given to dancing nude, which seems reasonable enough for an in-your-face woman, don't you think?

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