Sunday, April 29, 2012

Marian Rice Hart

Marian Rice Hart was 54 years old when she learned to fly in 1945 and 70 when she flew a single-engine Beechcraft Bonanza nonstop across the Atlantic from Newfoundland to Ireland. Fatigued from the 2,500-mile flight, she walked into the airport lounge upon her arrival, downed a large glass of whisky and said, "Now I feel better."

Though she made her original trans-Atlantic flight with a navigator, Hart subsequently made seven solo flights across the ocean and flew all over the United States, Europe, Asia, Africa and South America to boot. In fact, she flew alone until she was 87, logging more than 5,000 hours in her three decades as an aviator. In 1976, she received the highly prized annual Harmon International Trophy "for her consistently outstanding performance as a private pilot operating small aircraft on a global scale."  Hart wasn't just in-your-face.  She was in the air.


  1. OMG! Now I know that I have followed in Aunt Molly's footsteps! I have tried to do so much so that I would be like her! Even the drinking and smoking. I have written 4 books, have been a free spirit, started so many orgs and lead a fun and crazy life! I idolize Aunt Molly and hope when I die that I have accomplished as much as she did!

    1. wish I had seen this post sooner. She was my grand-father's cousin, so we may be related. I can be found on Facebook - Amanda Perez from east vasalboro me

  2. From my brother: She is behind the wheel of the Vanora (sp?) which she sailed from Liverpool to NYC (the long way) and on which she taught herself celestial navigation. It was the '30s and by the time she got to NYC they would not let her sail back to Liverpool for fear of U Boats and the War which had just started.
